Thursday, March 19, 2009

Slice of Life - Day 78

So today I spent my morning in the hospital and my afternoon antique shopping. I have been on the hunt for a few metal flower frogs for a while and was considering purchasing them on ebay but the shipping is a little pricey due to how heavy they are. So I have been wanting to drive out to Fort Langley to check out an antique mall that I used to go wander around in after school and on weekends when I lived there. It is made up of a bunch of different peoples stalls all blending into one vintage mess basically... but a beautiful mess I must say. I found 5 different frogs... all basically the same but different sizes... they weren't the exact ones I was looking for but I bought a couple anyway. These ones have a green plastic base and the ones I really want have a metal base and usually have a nice patina due to their age and the fact that they spend lots of their time in a vase full of water. I tried a few more shops there and then went out to Cloverdale where I found one more like what I wanted. So I came home with three of them, none exactly right but all will work and the third one is pretty close.

Then I caught up on some tv shows I have missed and Brendan had downloaded for me... the first being Greys Anatomy which was awesome and made me cry. B got home as that one was ending and sat and watched two episodes of Criminal Minds with me. Somewhere during the first one of those I had an allergy attack which was bad enough that I had to take stupid and that is the reason this post is late... although its supposed to be non-drowsy it always messes me up and I passed out. Brendan nicely took a photo of my passed out self but when I woke up I was too drowsy to post here... so that is why it is late :)

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