Friday, May 15, 2009

Slice of Life - Day 134

Today was my surgery day... we went to Burnaby Hospital (got lost on the way and called Becca to google the correct address for us, thanks Becca!) and got checked in. Had my urine test to check for pregnancy so that they wouldn't kill the baby if there was one but there wasn't as I already knew. This time the nurse got my IV in one try which I was quite excited about. We sat there, and sat there, and sat there some more as my surgery time came and went. Brendan had just stood up to go get some lunch when the desk clerk came to me and asked who my nurse was. I pointed her out and watched as the clerk went to my nurse and said a few sentences and then they both looked at me and I overheard my nurse say "so the doctor is coming to talk to her then, okay good" and they parted ways. Brendan sat back down, I think we both knew what was coming but then nothing happened. I heard the phone ring at the nurses station and another nurse answered and listened and then said "I thought the doctor was coming to talk to her" and then looked at me, saw us watching her and lowered her voice and had a 5 minute conversation then got up and talked to my nurse and then left. Then finally I lost interest again and looked up to see her walking towards me with a concerned look on her face. So as soon as she got to me and opened her mouth to speak I said "I'm getting bumped aren't I?" and she nodded yes and proceeded to apologize all over the place. I told her it was okay, I mean it is hardly her fault. Then we waited to get my IV out, I got changed back into my clothes and we left.

It was now around 1pm and we were starved so we decided to go to Granville Island, but had to make a detour to Sysko's Supper on Commercial for pet food first. Did that and then got to the Island and had lunch at the Mexican place in the food court (it was decent) and then stopped at Terra breads for foccacia and cookies. Next it was time to go back home as it was already 3:30 and rush hour was already starting. We got home and took Kalli to Dogwood Park for some playtime and then got some Indian food for dinner... and that's about that.
These are randon photos from the day, all but the Granville Island sign taken with my cell phone so please excuse the quality.

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