Slice of Life - Day 92
Brendan calls Kalli "The Destroyer of Worlds"
This is why:
I have had these glasses since 1994, they were a set of 4, have never been put through a dishwasher, always washed by hand, no chips etc. I for some reason love them, so have always been very careful with them. B has wreaked havoc on them, because he likes them he uses them often... and has previously broken 2 of them. Now yesterday he left this one on a low table and Kalli broke it today. I am not pleased. I have tried to be understanding, things get broken, why have them if you cant use them etc... but the loss of yet another one has saddened me and now he has been banned from using the one remaining lonely glass. Sigh.Still sick, maybe I will use that as an excuse for letting this bug me so much.
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