Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Slice of Life - Day 35

Okay crazy day... first busy busy busy at work, then I decided that tonite, the night before I go away for my Buckcherry weekend is the night that I should go buy my new camera (B bought me a camera for Christmas but I didn't like the quality of it and the fact that it didn't have a feature I use a lot so I returned it and got a gift card but hadn't got the one I wanted yet because they didn't have it when we returned the other one). Brendan's Future Shop didn't have the one I wanted so right after work I went home to pick up Kalli, then drove out to the Richmond (Bridgeport) Future Shop to purchase my new camera, then I drove back to Surrey to take it to B's Future Shop so I could return it and re-purchase it on staff. I got back to his store and started thinking back to when I did all my research on which camera I wanted... started having a bad feeling... went and checked out some info on the net and realized that sure enough I bought the wrong camera! Instead of the 880 I got the 890...sigh. The reviews of the 890 aren't nearly as good as the 880 though (in fact the reviews of the 880 are excellent! - I'm excited) so I decide to change it to the other one... only to find that B's store doesn't have that one either. Guess who has it...? The other Richmond store (Lansdowne). So now it is 8pm... I'm tired.... but have to drive back out to Richmond.... sigh.

Oh well, that's what I did, went out to the car with B so he could have a quick visit with Kalli then headed back to Richmond, got slightly lost, had to call my boss for help :) got the camera and then went and got us some salad for dinner and got home around 9:40pm... and now here I am... should be cleaning and packing but Ive been surfing instead. But now its time for sleep... only this one last sleep before our Buckcherry adventure starts... and only 2 more sleeps until I see my favorite band again! Wooooo!!

This is the little camera that caused all the trouble... hope it's as excellent as they say!!

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