Thursday, June 11, 2009

Slice of Life - Day 159

So I forgot to take a photo yesterday... it makes me sad but Im not going to dwell on it. The photos I took today are nothing to write home about... it was super sunny at the park and as we all know full sun is not exactly ideal when taking photos. I took them anyway though because I have talked a lot about Jewel the dog lately so I thought I would snap some photos of her to show you all. She is washed out in the photos due to the sun but you get the idea :) The dog Kalli is playing with in some of the photos is Roxy... a pug/chihuahua cross that they think has Boston Terrier in there as well. She is cute and fun and her and Kalli love each other. In case anyone needs a refresher Jewel is a Greyhound/Husky cross and was bred up North for sled racing but she didnt meet the standards because although she has the correct build she doesnt have the Husky coat which is needed for warmth up there. She is an amazing dog and I just love her so much. The man in the photo with a bunch of dogs is Alec, he is Jewels owner and always has treats for all the dogs so they all go up to him and sit pretty for treats.

There was a dog at the park today that liked to dive in the pond for objects. He would walk around feeling with his feet for things and then dive under the water to dog them up with his mouth. Sometimes he would be deep enough that you couldnt even see him until he would pop back up with some old ball or stick in his mouth and his face covered in sludge. He could stay under really long too! He was a Bernese Mountain Dog cross with a Golden Retreiver and was quite huge! I didnt think to snap a photo of him which is too bad cause we all really enjoyed watching him. He did it over and over again for about 30 minutes and only stopped when his owner was leaving. The funny thing was that when he would find something he would bring it about 4-5 feet from the shore and then just drop it back in the lake :) He had no interest in playing with the things he found, just liked to dive I guess!

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